Breaking Holiday

Uda lebih dari seminggu aku meninggalkan Semarang buad berlibur. Ada banyak kejadian dan penuh kesibukan sampe2 aku gak dapet waktu buad ngeblog. Jakarta, masih tetep sama. Mewah tapi culas, but I love it anyway.
Sekarang aku lagi di Bandung. Nyalain laptop bentar sebelum nanti mau menjelajah Bandung buad nyari MCR stuff. It's gonna be a hard day's night ! Well, Bandung is a nice city with a nice weather.Everything seems so cool and easy in this town. And by the way, I think I had too much starbuck's coffe in these recent day, its so damn good !
Aku rencana bakal nyampe Semarang senin malem, besok pagi aku mau ke ITB (just like a said in the earlier post), trus siangnya ke god inc. buad cari tas ato jaket ato apalah.
So, catch you up later guys !

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